Laid-Off Carrier Workers: “I Wish I Voted For Bernie Sanders”

SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅
6 min readJan 24, 2018
(originally on TrigTent)


President Donald J. Trump is no stranger to braggadocios titles. Well before the commander in chief drafted this week’s “Fake News Awards”, a self congratulatory list of news outlets he claims misrepresented his achievements in the oval office, Trump made grandiose promises of how he’ll be America’s “great negotiator” and “the greatest jobs president that God ever created”.

In November of 2016, winning an uphill battle against his Democratic rival in Hillary Clinton, it was time to see talk of big game brought to action, with the then-President-elect touting a tax incentive deal he negotiated with an Indianapolis Carrier plant to keep 700 jobs from moving to Mexico.

This was a significant milestone for the administration. The president’s more fanatical outlet like Breitbart and InfoWars were calling it a “historic victory against crony capitalism”, even citing Trump’s inflated (and debunked) numbers of well over a 1000 being “saved”. Even then, it would have been a fair positive on his record… which turns all the more false by the day.

Now approaching an exact one year anniversary of his year in office, it was revealed on Thursday, as a surprise to no-one, that the exact same Indianapolis…



SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅

27, anxious writer, depressed gamer, bisexual lover, baratheon loyalist, L to the OG enjoyer, emma d'arcy fan acc, chicanery socialism, (any/all)