Hollywood’s Long And Sick Defence Of Roman Polanski

SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅
7 min readFeb 9, 2018


At the age of just 13-years-old, Samantha Geimer was touched and anally raped by a monster. Smeared as a money craving con-artist, a spoiler in the political cinematic sphere, a scared teen seductress-gone-wild and a rape victim who wasn’t really raped, it was immoral Hollywood who jumped to the convicted perpetrator’s aid instead.

The latest smear-arrow came in the form of a resurfaced audio clip of controversial film director Quentin Tarantino who defended the convicted child rapist in a 2003 interview on The Howard Stern Show:

Embroiled in the #MeToo controversy — confessing he knew of producer Harvey Weinstein’s abusive behaviour and facing criticism for a new interview “Kill Bill” star Uma Thurman gave with The New York Times, where in which she describes the director pressuring the actress to drive a 30 miles per hour car stunt resulting in a collision — the new tape has certainly not aged well.



SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅

27, anxious writer, depressed gamer, bisexual lover, baratheon loyalist, L to the OG enjoyer, emma d'arcy fan acc, chicanery socialism, (any/all)