Elizabeth Warren Apologises To Cherokee Nation For DNA Test

SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅
5 min readFeb 5, 2019

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), desperate to scrub away her problematic past, has finally apologised to the Cherokee Nation for her ancestry scandal she cultivated last year. As the progressive icon prepares to formally announce her bid for the presidency, facing off against her party’s establishment old-guard and populist-left renegades, can apologetic words shed away her insensitive racialised baggage before the primary votes?

For years, President Donald Trump has mocked Warren as “Pocahontas”, the nickname he’s used to routinely denigrate her abuse of affirmative action culture by identifying as Native American on her application forms to secure a faculty position at Harvard Law School. This lead to Warren taking a controversial DNA analysis conducted by Stanford University’s Professor Carlos Bustamante, which was later published through The Boston Globe.

The results, however, revealed Warren only has 1/1024th native ancestry across six to ten generations, meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of her lineage is European. It was an unmitigated disaster that alienated indigenous communities on multiple fronts — betrayal through stolen identity valour, tokenism through diversity hiring (underserved even on this basis) and a reliance on racial science to falsely claim tribal sovereignty.



SCHIZO BAELEY (enclave arc) 🦅

27, anxious writer, depressed gamer, bisexual lover, baratheon loyalist, L to the OG enjoyer, emma d'arcy fan acc, chicanery socialism, (any/all)